Unlock Your Potential With The Help Of Some Spiritual Teachings


Unlock Your Potential With The Help Of Some Spiritual Teachings


What Exactly Do I Teach?

The word spirituality has a lot of stigma around it, and so I want to make it exactly clear what my work here is and what it is not.

When I say I teach spirituality this means, I teach people how to understand themselves and reality at large in a clearer and more refined way. I do this by sharing the tools, techniques and ideas I have at my disposal from my own personal experience as well as information and ideas I have gained from other spiritual teachers. 

Spirituality isn’t about me telling you what’s true or imposing my beliefs on you. It’s more about helping you see that the truth you’re looking for is already within and all around you, here and now.

Spirituality is about sharing our personal experiences to help others realize their own truth, rather than telling them what’s true. It’s like guiding someone to discover their own wisdom and understanding.

Spirituality Vs Religion

Spirituality differs from religion in that it shouldn’t be dogmatic. Unlike religion, spirituality is not governed by any authority, and no one can monopolize or lay claim to any spiritual truths. It’s a personal journey of exploration and discovery, where individuals seek their own understanding of existence, purpose, and connection to the universe.

Spirituality, at its core, is using words to talk about the untalkable i.e existence itself, it’s a mistake to make it into something separate or an additional layer to reality like a conceptual scheme e.g ( most of science)

In the broader sense spirituality can encompass other things like how to increase your emotional intelligence, or how to streamline your thoughts and thinking processes, these are things I will be delving into as I believe they are relevant and beneficial, certain folks include channeling, manifestation and other things with their spiritual teachings but the work I do here is more focused on the practical and philosphical side of things.

When we talk about spirituality, we’re really talking about how we experience and understand life. It’s like pointing to the essence of what it existence is and realising how you are connected to everything.


How To Start Your Spiritual Journey

If you’ve been paying attention, you might be noticing that your spiritual journey isn’t something you need to go looking for—it’s been with you since the very beginning, woven into the fabric of your existence. It’s like a thread that runs through every moment of your life, guiding you, nudging you, and sometimes gently pulling you back on course. So, in a way, you’re already on your spiritual journey—you just need to keep listening to your heart, following its whispers and nudges.

Now, when it comes to putting your spirituality into practice, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. It’s as unique as you are, and it can take many forms. Maybe it starts with a simple commitment to being more present in your daily life, noticing the beauty around you, or taking a few moments each day to quiet your mind and connect with your inner self. Or perhaps it’s diving into practices like meditation, yoga, or journaling—whatever resonates with you and feels right in your heart. The key is to listen to that inner voice, trust your intuition, and allow your spiritual journey to unfold naturally, one step at a time.

A great way to get a handle on this spirituality stuff is to check out some of my teachings below!

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